With a Ring Video Doorbell, multiple Security Cams and Ring Alarm set up in his home in Brighton, Ben thought he had every corner covered for his home and family, he soon discovered he had some unexpected nocturnal visitors covered too...
Along with his home in Brighton, Ben installed Ring devices at an additional off-grid property that, once renovated, will become a new home for his family. Since he can't always be at the new place, Ben uses his Ring Security Cams and Alarm as a remote security system to give him the peace of mind that he'll know what's happening at his new house, while at home in Brighton.

After dark activity
It wasn't long after installing and linking up all his Ring devices that Ben and his daughter discovered that their Brighton home was being frequented by a family of foraging foxes at night.
"We think their den is nearby and our house is on one of their routes out to the town to hunt and scavenge."
As an animal lover with a particular interest in foxes, Ben was keen to make sure the evening activities were captured on camera so that his daughter could enjoy the footage too. He installed 10 Ring Security Cams around the property, most of them at fox-height, to make sure they never miss a moment. Following in her father's footsteps, Ben’s daughter quickly took an equally strong interest and as a result, recording and reviewing the antics of the fox family soon grew into a family project.
"The project is a bit of fun and educational, we plan to keep monitoring the wildlife and hope to dispel some of the myths around urban foxes."
The pitter-patter of tiny paws
Observing and recording the foxes has become more than simply an interesting project to pass the time while other activities are restricted. Documenting the moments has also brought Ben and his daughter together, bonding over their shared interest.
Hoping to inspire others, Ben's daughter now keeps an online diary and uploads footage of the foxes to her Facebook page, keeping her followers updated and encouraging even more people to be respectful of urban foxes. Plus, the news that a vixen they have named Henrietta is pregnant has ensured that everyone is waiting in anticipation of the pitter-patter of tiny paws.
"Any day now I'm expecting not to see her because she'll be disappearing into her den to have her fox cubs.
Not just a security system
Thanks to Ring, Ben and his family not only protect their home, they can keep an eye on their future home and watch out for the wellbeing of a family of foxes, all from the Ring app.
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